Monday, June 8, 2009

A Timeless Lesson

Today an individual who I once considered a friend posted something on her blog about both my wife and I -- it was very hurtful, nasty and meanspirited.

My first instinct was to pound out a letter being equally as hurtful -- but I stopped myself before pressing send... even though every element of my being wanted to deliver some hurt through email.

My wife laughed it off and encouraged me to pray for this person. I fumed.

And while I fumed, washing my cup in the office kitchen, I was reminded of this:

They spat at Him. They beat Him. They crucified Him.

And He loved them still:

It's a hard example to follow -- but one that I will.

I guess it's no longer a mystery to me why, last night, after I had prayed I felt the need to read 1 Thessalonians 5:15: "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else".

It's a verse I had read years ago and nodded to every so often... but last night I felt the need to turn to it... little did I know why... until a couple hours ago... until I nearly pressed send.

So I turn the other cheek -- not because it is easy, but because it is right.

Because His example is worth following more than my own pride.

He set the standard for us all.

1 comment:

  1. What a lesson, what a testimony! Thank you for sharing. Just for the record, I think I would have initially reacted the same way as you did. You're blessed to have someone like M. - someone who always seems to be on an even keel (sp?). Even when I do behave - people can still see my nostrils flare. I'm sorry you were hurt though.
